Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Post Season Credits (or It's A Jolly Holiday)

The presents have all been unwrapped. The soda has (mostly) been drank. It's time to make the resolutions. My resolution this year: control my diet. I've been getting a bit of heartburn lately, and I think that I am in serious need of changes in eating habits. I resolve to eat my food more slowly, to not always ask for seconds, and to get more variety of all the food groups. I like to eat a lot of food (and I mean I really like to eat a lot of food), but I can gain the willpower to stay with it.

On another note, I will not ask as many questions in my blog, because I don't want to seem desperate for others to notice me. If nobody decides to comment on a post, that's fine with me. I'll just keep posting and going on with my life.


  1. That's one of my goals, too. I made a list of 10 goals today and posted them on my closet door.
