Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Nightmare Night

I really loved the costumes of all of you today. I dressed up as a Muggle!
I'm a dragon!
Um, yeah. Thanks, Krikaan.
Anytime, dawg.
Anyway, I have decided that Halloween in my second favorite holiday, not because of all of the candy I get, but because this is the one time of year that I genuinely enjoy being scared. The slight amount of terror in my brain helps me to get in the right spirit of being a bit creepy.
As if being a teenager wasn't scary enough.
Excuse me? You've been alive for how long?
About fifteen thousand years, give or take a thousand; and I'm still young.
Still...wait. You're that old... and you're a teenager. A. Teenager.
Yup. So I totally know what I'm talking about when I talk about teen stuff.
Wow. Well, there you have it. Krikaan is the world's oldest teen. Now that's scary.
It's true!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


If you have never been inside of a straw maze for about 45 minutes, getting colder by the minute, wearing only a jacket over your normal clothes, having to switch back on your tracks every minute... I suggest you try it. That was what me and Emily did tonight. I don't think I've ever been inside a straw maze before; only a few corn mazes when we still lived in Montana. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing, and we also saw a wallaby! In Idaho! At a straw maze! (Awesome!)

Monday, October 29, 2012


Hey, guys. It's me Krikaan, again. Erik isn't feeling well today, so he has asked me to "transcribe" his thoughts... whatever that means. He threw up at school today, so he had to sit on a couch until his Mom came to pick him up. It was really cool; you could see his breakfast and lunch and all sorts of... okay, I'm getting a glare that says "Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile." Where did that come from!? Just because I make a funny comment that made him barf more doesn't mean...
Um, I think that's all for tonight. My Condo Lances (whatever that means) to Erik. I wish him luck!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

So Much Win!

Wow. I have currently got over fifty posts so far. That to me is a pretty big achievement. Go me!

Tonight, I saw a video that I haven't seen for years. It was a video of basketball players dressed in black and white shirts. The challenge is to see how many passes the players in white make. But the real challenge is... but I've already said too much. Just watch the video and see for yourself!

Also, any and all questions are accepted at any time. I always read all of my comments, even if I never respond to any of them.

P.S. The video is not a screamer. I swear.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

You make the call!

Do you guys think that I post too many inspirational stuff on my blog? Sure, it's good and fun to say the good stuff, but the whole reason that I created this blog in the first place was to share my funny comments about certain events in my life. What do you think? Funny or happy blog?

P.S. Just saw the trailer for Iron Man 3. It was awesome.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Not to be Meme...

There are way too many memes out there on the internet! The word "meme" suggests repetition of certain interesting or funny things that have happened in the media and also in real life. If I were to name them all... actually, more are being added every day, so it would be impossible to count them all. Here are my favorites:


No explanation needed for these!


We must become energeticeating meet now.

Anything involving ponies:


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My head is full of the most random facts and trivia! If any of you know me well, you will know that I have a quote for almost any situation. The only problem is that usually, I have to explain the joke to someone else. By the time I do that, I feel really awkward. Is this normal, or is it just me? And what can I do instead?

Monday, October 22, 2012


In movies, I love the type of line which is given in a totally deadpan voice and is still meant to be funny.

"Captain, the enemy has just fired its lasers at us, and we've been hit!"
"No crap, Sherlock."

For some reason, these lines just strike me as funny. Weird, right? My favorite deadpan snarker is Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon.

"But you just gestured to all of me!"
"Thank you for summing that up."
"Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile."

It only works if you imagine it in a deadpan voice. Classic.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Sometimes, a character's costume or body armor or whatever just gets too old. Sure, it may be good for the decade, but after a while, it gets outdated. As I have stated before, I love to see people take a new spin on old classics. I do like the classics to some extent, but I also like things to be a bit fresh and new and exciting.

2 mny ntrnts!

There is way too much of the internet going on here. People are obsessed over it. They would rather talk to hundreds on Facebook than have one heartfelt conversation with a real person. A cell phone is now a person's best friend. Some guy would rather tell you about something that bugs him on a blog than say it out loud (tee hee). I agree that the internet is an awesome place, but sometimes, you should go outside, or read a     book or something.

Friday, October 19, 2012


I am a HUGE fan of all types of art. Drawing, sculpture, architecture, digital, you name it. I marvel that anyone would have the patience to produce a piece of his own imagination that no one else may even like.
Personally, I do not have much patience, and I often find myself erasing projects that I have deemed too long and time consuming. I need some motivation behind my pastime, and I feel I am best motivated when I have a deadline. If I tell myself that I can do something by a certain time or date, I will almost always be able to do it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


I think that I have discovered a very important truth to the universe: There is no such thing as "homework". It simply doesn't exist. Now, you can argue with me all you want, but the fact is that there are only two types of work: paperwork, and actual work. I admit to the fact that this work can be done at home, but it's still all just work, whether done at home, at school, at the office, etc.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I love that moment when you are watching a movie or tv show, like MST3K, and they do a certain "shout out" to another show, and then, nobody else knows what the reference is, so you have to explain it to them. And I love the moment when they are like "Oh! Now I get it!" I like when obscure references are made, like that one time where-
Like that.
(Star Trek Reference lol)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Which line is it, anyway?

Sometimes, I will quote a line from a movie that I do not know, and when I do, I feel like an idiot. Is this normal, or am I a special case?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Krikaan the Dragon

Did you guys see the post that was (supposedly) by me last night? That wasn't me. It was the manifestation of my "cool" self, Krikann the dragon. He's a bit brash, so you'll have to forgive him. He's invisible to everyone but me, so he doesn't really know how to react to humans. Anyways, like he said last night, ask him any questions you want to know, and he'll answer them. He goes on the internet a lot, and is very knowledgeable about various random stuff. He's...
I gotta go. I think he's raiding  the refrigerator. Mom, might want to keep an eye on the chicken patties and Lori's dinners!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Hi, this is Krikaan the dragon. Normally, you would see Erik in this space. Well, I just snuck onto his computer while he was sleeping, and now I see all of his web history! WUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAHHAHAHAAAAA! ALL THE PONIES ARE MINE!!!!!!!!...
Sorry, I get overexcited a LOT! Ask me any questions you like, and I'll answer them approximately whenever I feel like-
Uh-Oh! Gottagoseeyoulater!
(Erik Walks in)
What'd I miss?


I am a HUGE fan of the cult classic science TV show, Mystery Science Theater 3000. I was sad to learn that the show has ended before my time. What I would like to do is to get some of the worst movie in modern times, write a script for me and a few friends (or just me and Jacob, we're pretty good at remembering stuff like that), record it, and play it whenever we wanted to. And we would be able to MST our way through a whole movie without anybody else telling us to be quiet. I think I would love that!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


In the media, I have taken an interest on the characters who actually know that they are in a movie/comic/book/etc. This tv trope, or type of gag/item of originality, is called "medium awareness". Everybody keeps living their lives normally, but these special characters are aware that someone controls their lives. For example:
"None of this is real. There is a man. There is a computer. That man is currently sitting at his computer and writing what we are about to say next."
"Be quiet, Wade."

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sometimes, I wish I had a cell phone, just like Jacob's. And then I remind myself: who would I call?

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Bestial Side

I am a big animal lover, and I would never think of eating any animal (aside from those meant to be eaten: chicken, hamburger, bacon, etc.). My favorite animal? The noble wolf.

They are so cute!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Chill in the Air

Ask any person in Rexburg, and you are 90% guaranteed to hear that they are not looking forward to the snow and wind and cold.

Not Me.

I love the cold months, especially when it starts to snow. Even when I see a bit of snow on the ground, an inch or so, I start to feel energetic and ready to do anything. Besides shovelling snow, of course.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

We, as humans, live for excitement. We always want to be entertained, and so, we get bored of the things we have, and try new things. It may take a few minutes to get bored of something, or it may take four years. Who knows what gives us our excitement? What excites you the most?