Sunday, October 21, 2012

2 mny ntrnts!

There is way too much of the internet going on here. People are obsessed over it. They would rather talk to hundreds on Facebook than have one heartfelt conversation with a real person. A cell phone is now a person's best friend. Some guy would rather tell you about something that bugs him on a blog than say it out loud (tee hee). I agree that the internet is an awesome place, but sometimes, you should go outside, or read a     book or something.


  1. Plus they leave some grammar errors (like extra spaces between words! (wink, wink)

  2. Yes... virtual reality can sometimes take precedence over true reality, and that is a sad thing.

  3. How is it that some blog posts have no comments after a day, and others have 3 comments in as many minutes?

  4. ...or something. By the way, I love the funny quotes you have on the side of your blog.
